Letting Go Is More Than SciFi


AN: This post is different from the other things I post on this blog, but I felt like sharing it here. Today I was drawn to write what is written below, and the show Doctor Who just helped. If there was anyone in the Doctor Who universe the most like me, it would be Clara Oswald. Some times really good books, shows, and music can bring something to you that would have taken a bit longer for you to realize. God loves to guide me to these things, because He knows it will help, not only in my writing but also in my life as well.

Clara Oswald let go of something
That was valuable to her
She knew it was important
Life is all about letting go
Of things that aren’t meant to be
That are only for a season
Nothing truly stays the same
This is some thing we have to learn
I made a decision to let some thing go
God reassured me that it would help
With the future He has layed out for me
For letting go would open my heart
To remind me of all that I have
And what I still need to do
To make the world a better place
There’s a bright future ahead
He wants me to be open for everything
That will help me get to where I need to be

9 responses to “Letting Go Is More Than SciFi”

  1. It also seems that she was giving that galactic parasite the finger too 😀 seriously, I think there is a lot to this new companion…..need to do more research on it….

    1. They have done a really good job with Clara. I look forward to learning more about her.

      1. I’m willing to bet, after a little bit of reading, that they will make her the Granddaughter. Just my hunch. Someone who ‘travels’ through time without a time machine but has someone loose/vague connections to each existance. Sounds like a good example of ‘she is impossible’ answer to the Doctor’s statement 🙂

      2. There’s so many interesting possible theories of Clara. Will the Doctor figure out why Clara shows up throughout time, or will someone explain it to him? I hope we find out soon but at the same time, I like the mystery of it.

  2. I cried. 😦 But some of them were happy tears.
    The music was incredible.

    1. Aw. At least some of them were happy tears. I agree the music was incredible.

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